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Sweet Treats

Photograph by Bill Farrington

By Jennifer Perkin

Home cooking is having a moment. Although many Gazette readers and PSFC members are of course already prolific home chefs, going by posts on the internet, a lot of people are taking this time to really spread their culinary wings. We are all baking those sourdough loaves, fermenting that kimchi, and making pasta from scratch. (Well, maybe not all.) People are also being creative with items that have been sitting in their pantry unused. 

One of those people who has long been creative in the kitchen is Camille Scuria, who you might know best as the Membership Coordinator at the PSFC. She is also a trained chef, and has been keeping a blog of her cooking adventures for over 10 years now. Although she mostly sticks to other people’s recipes, she sometimes goes off-script and make her own creations. 

Two she has recently shared with us are desserts—one is more of an involved weekend project, and the other is something you could throw together on a weeknight. Pinnulata (sometimes also spelled Pignolata) are a type of festival Sicilian donut, and while her soda pop popsicle recipe only has two ingredients, it does require that you have popsicle molds. 


Photograph by David Herman

“Pinnulata evokes my sweet, innocent childhood. I would be a youngster sitting at Aunt Rose’s long, crowded Christmas dinner table in the Bronx. There would be so many platters of pasta and vegetables and meats, I could never fit samplings of everything on my one dish. It was the same with the desserts. I knew to expect the platter of Pinnulata. It’s probably one of my earliest food memories. I treasured the sticky fingers that would result from my pulling the finger-like, fried dough pieces from the mountain of glistening honey. The pieces seemed to giggle in a covering of colored sprinkles and toasted almonds.

“These were handmade by my grandmother Carmela, and we completely took them for granted. When she died in 1980, I had the clarity of mind to interview my Aunt Rose about the nuances of this recipe. And like a handmade pasta recipe, this one turns out to be more about ‘feel’ than it does about measurable ‘ingredients.’ Here’s what I do: 

“Your result with this recipe should always be the wide-eyed adulation of the children at your table. My own toddler has just enjoyed his first-ever taste. He’s determined that the sticky fingers are worth the bother.

RECIPE: A magical tradition that’ll never grow tiresome.
PREP TIME: A sensual experience of rolling and frying and honeying dough; allow an afternoon.
TASTE: Orange-scented honey envelops simply fried dough sticks.

The Pop-Up Popsicle: Soda Pop

Photograph by David Herman

“I’ve made the best popsicle ever, according to my ten-year-old taste tester. And, it’s a cheaters delight.

“Inspired by memories of last year’s ‘Root Beer Float’ popsicle, where I froze a combination of soda and pre-made ice cream into my creation, I intensified the results.

“For a bigger flavor impact, I used more than a can and a half of flattened San Pellegrino’s Aranciata Rossa soda. I mixed this in my blender with a softened pint of Brooklyn Bell White Vanilla ice cream. I poured this into 10 popsicles, plus had an extra pint to freeze alone.

“What do you get? It’s an icy ice cream. It’s a fantasy pop. Too easy!”

You can find these and other recipes at:◾️

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