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Proposed PSFC Statement on Black Lives Matter Submitted by the Diversity and Equality Committee

By the Diversity and Equality Committee 

The Park Slope Food Coop supports the Black Lives Matter movement and a dismantling of all systems that empower and enable systemic racism.

The Coop’s Diversity and Equality Committee (DEC) applauds the millions of people here at home and around the world protesting nonviolently to dismantle racism in the justice system and beyond. We condemn the systemic racism and murderous violence, discrimination, oppression and disenfranchisement against which Black people continue to struggle in the United States and the intersectional inequities which often go unnamed and unnoticed. Our hope is that the recent massive protests in our city streets will continue to inspire resistance to the trauma and injustice still endured today, yielding positive political and social change.

We will continue to work to ensure that Black Lives Matter at the Coop, that all member-owners feel comfortable and respected. We’re willing and able to help members seek redress for any bias or discrimination they experience at the Coop. The DEC will also expand our outreach efforts already begun to make the Coop’s healthy and affordable stock more accessible to those who need it most. We will also continue to serve as a resource to members and staff through training, events, mediation, and more. The DEC welcomes and will seek out opportunities to be part of the catalyst for turning passion into policy in the Coop and beyond.

The Park Slope Food Coop unequivocally supports Black lives and the dismantling of all systems that propagate and empower systemic racism. #BlackLivesMatter

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